Partner with Tech Foundry

What is Tech Foundry?

Tech Foundry is a nonprofit workforce development organization which offers a revolutionary approach to satisfying the needs of skill development for traditionally low-income, underserved populations, while simultaneously developing an entry-level IT workforce in the Pioneer Valley.  Tech Foundry students learn new technology skills, meet professionals in the field, intern at real IT jobs, meet peers who share the same interests, network with IT professionals and are supported by coaching and academic tutoring.

Who do we serve?

Tech Foundry serves under-served and under-represented Western MA residents seeking a path to a new career in technology, with a focus on supporting BIPOC and LGBTQA+ people as well as women and veterans. Through our job training, we also directly serve the employer community by providing a workforce with specific IT skills.


How you can get involved:

Offer an internship to a Tech Foundry student member:

Companies which offer internships are rewarded by having a skilled Tech Foundry student applying what they have learned in the classroom to support the real-life demands of your IT team. These internships provide the opportunity for students to learn hands-on practical skills and gives employers a great opportunity to both support the technical education of a Tech Foundry member, while also engaging with a potential future employee.  Organizations which offer internships to Tech Foundry students often decide to offer that student a job upon completion of the internship.

Volunteer to be a Technical Instructor or Guest Speaker:

For individuals who have an extensive business, leadership or tech background, volunteering at Tech Foundry is a great way to support the program!

Financial Donation:

Tech Foundry is a non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and companies. Tech Foundry works with you to match your individual giving interests with our needs.

For more information on how you or your business can get involved, please fill the form below.

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Some of Our Partners

Baystate Health


Fontaine Bros Inc



Berkshire Bank



Community Foundation

Davis Foundation


Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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